
Distances for Trumpet Octet is a piece which entertains concepts of distances in various musical ways. Throughout the piece the listener will notice spatial changes within the ensemble, so that parts which compliment one another are sometimes heard close together, and at other times from across the ensemble. Spatial considerations are used to enhance rhythmic… Continue reading Distances

String Quartet no. 1

This String Quartet is made up of three movements with the two outer movements serving as mirrored poles and a contrasting second movement in the middle. The piece is very free but the first and third movements are comprised (almost) entirely of a repetitive intervallic pattern which is cut up and manipulated in many ways,… Continue reading String Quartet no. 1

Buchlidian Landscape no.2

This piece is a meditative drone based composition which features the Buchla analog synthesizer processed in Max/MSP. Individual sounds were layered on top of one another using the record~ object to store sounds in a buffer~. These musical objects were then looped using groove~ to form a psychedelic texture which envelops the listener. Below I… Continue reading Buchlidian Landscape no.2

Categorized as Buchla

With the Shapes

With the Shapes is a sort of compound piece made up of two entirely different settings of the same text by Michael McClure – Song (I work with the Shape). The first setting, for female voice (alto) and piano treats the poem with mystery and ambiguity. The second setting, for male voice (bass/baritone) and guitar,… Continue reading With the Shapes

Shall the Circle Survive?

Shall the Circle Survive? for double saxophone quartet is told from the perspective of an unknown narrator, whose voice is heard in the piece from the various members of the ensemble. Having just lost a loved one, their (the narrator’s) jumbled thoughts of mourning are heard at the very beginning. These thoughts are interrupted throughout … Continue reading Shall the Circle Survive?

Dance with the Dawn

This piece, inspired in part by Terry Riley‘s Rainbow in Curved Air, consists of 4 continuous tracks layered on top of one another. Track/Patch 1 The first patch, originally conceived as an attempt at Krell Patching which fell short, became a sort of blanket or foundation for the rest of the piece. It consists of… Continue reading Dance with the Dawn

Categorized as Buchla

Buchlidian Landscape no. 1

Regarding the use of the 250e module in this composition, I used only one simple patch to produce about 10 different sounds. The very first sound, which is heard three times throughout the duration of the piece, is the only one which is not manipulated in some way by the 250e. Basically my process was… Continue reading Buchlidian Landscape no. 1

Categorized as Buchla